Most of these effects increase as you drink more coffee:
- Less likely to develop Parkinson's,
- Reduces risk of colon and skin cancer,
- Reduces risk of liver cirrhosis,
- Halves the risk of gallstones,
- Counteracts the effects of smoking and heavy drinking on the heart and liver damage,
- Manages asthma and controls attacks,
- Helps manage diabetes (improves insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism),
- Stops headaches (in my book, this translates to "cures hangovers"),
- Prevents cavities (bitter antibacterial properties),
- Boosts athleticism (greater endurance and performance).
Of course, drinking too much coffee can be a bad thing.
You may be drinking too much coffee if:
- You have increased nervousness,
- Your hand or leg keeps trembling,
- You have a very rapid heartbeat.
I had thought it was impossible to drink "too much" coffee, but about a year ago I found out I was wrong. After a few weeks of waving away my friends' concerns that six cups of coffee was overdoing it, I started to notice that I had the last two symptoms plus a lovely ominous, recurring pain in my chest.
Taking the hint, I quit coffee cold turkey for a whole two weeks. After the first week, my body got used to making its own energy again instead of relying on a constant stream of caffeine, so I no longer thought I was dying. After the second week, all of the symptoms were gone. When I decided to pick up drinking coffee again, I decided it was best to limit myself to three cups a day.
And coffee isn't for everyone. Some people should be very careful about drinking coffee.
People who should avoid or limit coffee:
- Pregant women,
- People with heart conditions
Well, there you go. Now I can get back to killing this last cup of Joe.
Check out this website for the original article.
I liked your post, tt was pretty entertaining. I like you tend to drink a great deal of caffeine each day, just not in the coffee form. I didn't know that all those health affects could happen though just by drinking coffee especially the effect on Parkinson prevention. ( and nice hangover add in haha )